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Autophony: Hearing your voice echo in your ear when you speak

Last update on May, 29, 2023

Autophony definition

You may have noticed there is a difference between the way we hear our voice and how others hear it. This happens because when we speak, the sound comes out of the mouth and goes up the sides of our face, hitting the ears directly and making us feel the internal vibrations in the ear and the head.

We talk about autophony when a person can hear their own voice too loud or echoing in the ears. Autophony also involves the perception in the ears of all the other noises that come from one's body, such as one's breathing and heartbeat.

Autophony causes: Why do you hear your voice in your ears

Autophony usually results from diseases of the middle ear, especially in the case of the patulous or intermittent function of the Eustachian tube. Other causes may include eardrum occlusion, otitis media with effusion or Superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS). Let's review them in detail.

The physical disorder known as Patulous Eustachian Tube (PET) indicates an atypical and chronic alteration or intermittent function of the physiological mechanism of opening and closing the Eustachian tube that keeps the Eustachian tube open.

Patulous Eustachian Tube is a condition that is rarely recognized: it mainly affects women, affects only one ear and is characterized by a sensation of a clogged ear, intermittent hearing loss and autophony, the hearing of self-generated sounds.

While a blocked or plugged ear may not cause specific pain or problems, muffled hearing can be uncomfortable. Causes of clogged ears include earwax buildup, Eustachian Tube obstruction, sudden decrease in atmospheric pressure and more. In the case of clogged ears, autophony can occur as the vibration of sounds echoes back to the eardrum.

Otitis media with effusion is an inflammation of the tympanic membrane and inner ear and is very common in children. It is characterized, in addition to the sensation of a full ear, by the leakage of mucus in the ear. Otitis media involves symptoms such as otalgia, clogged ears, muffled hearing and autophony.

Autophony can also be one of the symptoms of Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS), also known as Minor's Syndrome, a rare medical disorder of the inner ear that creates a condition known as labyrinthitis, which can lead to hearing loss and balance issues. People with SCDS may present acoustic symptoms like clogged ears, conductive hearing loss, pulsatile tinnitus and autophony.
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One of the best ways to care for your ears and prevent hearing loss is to get them properly examined by a hearing professional. Find your nearest Miracle-Ear store to get started on your journey to better hearing.

Autophony and hearing loss

Autophony is not necessarily a sign of hearing loss but can be if not investigated by a specialist. Autophony causes generally reside in middle ear diseases.

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How to treat autophony?

Autophony can be treated in different ways, depending on its causes and severity. The less invasive treatments are applied in case of mild symptoms and consist of some practical advice and actions to be performed during the day like:

  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Taking hydrochloric acid- or chlorobutanol-based medicines

However, autophony can also be severe with a degenerative course. The treatments recommended in this case are more invasive and can include surgery for a definitive solution to the disease. Whatever the origin of the problem, it is best to see a physician if this condition should persist.

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Care for your ears

One of the best ways to care for your ears and prevent hearing loss is to get them properly examined by a hearing professional. Find your nearest Miracle-Ear store to get started on your journey to better hearing.

Does autophony go away?

Autophony can go away with the right treatment playing a fundamental role in its resolution. It is possible to recover from this disease and its symptoms, which can disappear once treated, but it’s fundamental to identify the specific cause. Autophony can be treated by treating the specific disease that caused it or by removing the occlusion that causes this symptom (phlegm, foreign object, etc.)

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