Are you getting more and more frustrated because of gradually diminishing hearing? You're not alone. Over 48 million people in America suffer from some degree of hearing loss.* At Miracle-Ear®, we're committed to developing the most technologically advanced hearing aids. Nine out of ten people can make a difference in the quality of their lives with hearing aids, so come to any Miracle-Ear hearing center in Fort Wayne, IN, and examine your options.
We have over 75 years of experience designing and building hearing solutions. A Hearing Care Specialist will be your guide as you learn about the many advantages our hearing aids offer. They feature our Miracle-Ear technology, which provides significantly better speech recognition in difficult acoustic environments like crowded rooms. With these improvements, you’ll have a much easier time focusing on a particular voice while filtering out background noise. Options for Bluetooth®** connectivity and remote control are also available.
We furnish a wide range of styles for various customers with differing needs. These hearing aid styles include:
We're committed to giving you a hearing solution that you can rely on and that will last. Each independently owned and operated location proudly provides a free hearing test† and an annual checkup. As long as you’re using a Miracle-Ear® hearing aid, we'll clean it, change its battery, and ensure that all its components are working. We’ll also review your listening experience. You can receive this free service at any Miracle-Ear location.
Call us today for Miracle-Ear® hearing aids in Fort Wayne, IN. You can come to any one of our locations, and a Hearing Care Specialist will assist as you discover and experience the Miracle-Ear® Advantage. We're confident that our advanced hearing aids and lifelong service will provide you with a reliable, lasting hearing solution.
Hearing aids do not restore natural hearing. Individual experiences vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluation, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Miracle-Ear is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
*National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
** The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Miracle-Ear is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
†Hearing test is always free. Not a medical exam. Audiometric test to determine proper amplification needs only.