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FAQs: Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss & More

Discover all secrets of better hearing.

Hearing aids
Hearing aids

Hearing aids do so much more than help you hear. They connect you to the people and things you love: dinner with friends, music, theater, holidays with family, golf and the list goes on. Find out all there is to know about hearing aids:

Hearing with both ears offers many advantages, such as increased ability to locate sound sources, hearing nuances and less listening strain. The Better Hearing Institute also cites the following reasons:

  • People wearing two hearing aids understand speech and conversation better.
  • With two hearing aids, people can hear sounds from a farther distance.
  • Loud sounds are better tolerated, because a lower volume control setting is required with two hearing aids.
  • With a lower volume control setting, the chance of hearing aid feedback with a binaural fitting is reduced.
  • Consumers with binaural fittings express greater satisfaction than people with one hearing aid.

Whether two aids are right for you depends on your hearing loss and individual needs, including the type and severity of hearing loss in each ear. You should discuss your communication needs with your hearing healthcare provider to determine if you are a candidate for binaural hearing aids.

Today’s advanced hearing aids are very effective. Recent developments in technology have resulted in hearing aids that are easy to use, effective, and comfortable to wear. Learn more about how hearing aids work.

According to the American Tinnitus Association, some tinnitus patients with hearing loss experience total or partial tinnitus relief while wearing hearing aids. There are many variables that determine success. However, if a patient has a hearing loss in the frequency range of the tinnitus, hearing aids may reintroduce the ambient sounds that naturally cover the tinnitus.

Nothing could be further from the truth! First of all, you can’t be certain of their quality. Moreover, you won’t be offered a FREE comprehensive hearing evaluation or have your hearing aid customized to your needs. Plus, these off-brand devices are seldom backed by an extensive warranty like Miracle-Ear offers.

Miracle-Ear hearing care specialist showing a hearing aid in the palm of her hand

Hearing aids vary in cost, depending on your level of loss, the style of hearing aid and the level of technology. We recommend getting your hearing tested by a hearing care professional and then discussing with them the best options for you.

We also want to make it clear that our hearing aid solutions are all-inclusive. This means that when you purchase a set of hearing aids with us, you also receive complimentary lifetime service, including annual hearing tests, clean and checks, fittings and much more. We're there for you every step of the way!

Woman with headphones during a hearing test
The best hearing aid is going to vary from person to person. There are many factors to consider when choosing a set of hearing aids, including degree of hearing loss, lifestyle and budget. We recommend talking to your hearing care professional about the best option for you or visit our Hearing Aid Finder.

RIC hearing aid in the palm of a hand
Your hearing care professional will be able to clean the wax out of your hearing aids, just call your local Miracle-Ear center and schedule an aftercare appointment. However, if you have excess in your ears, we recommend you visit your physician to have it removed.

Hearing aid battery in hands
Battery life varies based on the battery size as well as active features being used throughout the day, such as wireless streaming and how often some features need to engage and disengage based on your environment. A lot of our hearing aids feature rechargeable batteries, which is extremely convenient!

Most of our BTE and RIC hearing aids are dust-proof and water resistant. Our custom models are not water resistant.

Hearing aids cannot restore your hearing to a normal level, but rather help to amplify and distinguish sounds in a wide range of listening environments.

First of all, wearing a hearing aid is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of! You should be proud that you're taking steps toward better hearing.

However, if you're looking for a more discreet option, any of our custom hearing options would be just what you're looking for. We would specifically recommend our Miracle-EarMINI™, which is nearly invisible and our most discreet hearing aid.

No hearing aid can completely eliminate background noise, but technology now allows us to de-emphasize noise like sounds. Many digital aids distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds to help keep wearers engaged in and attuned to conversations, even in noisy situations.

Success with hearing aids depends on several factors. Individual experiences will vary depending on the severity of the hearing loss, the accuracy of the evaluation, proper fit and the ability to adapt to amplification. Hearings aids do not restore natural hearing, but the assistance they provide may help their wearers live their lives to the fullest.

Today’s hearing aids provide better sound quality than ever. Losses that were difficult to fit years ago are now possible due to advancements in hearing aid technology.

Hearing loss
Hearing loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone. Today, more than 48 million Americans have a hearing impairment to some degree. Learn more about how you can prevent different kinds of hearing problems, their causes, and about treatment options like hearing aids.

A man suffering from hearing problems
If you have a ringing, hissing or buzzing sound in one or both ears, you may have a condition called tinnitus. There is no cure for tinnitus, but it can be treated with hearing aids and managed with a great deal of success.

We recommend you see your physician to have your ears cleaned if you there is a lot of wax. It's important that ear wax obstructions and buildup is removed before having a hearing evaluation.

Hearing loss can be caused by several different things, including exposure to loud noise over time, aging, infection or a perforated eardrum, The most common cause is exposure to noise over time, known as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) or sensorineural hearing loss.

Most people’s hearing ability diminishes to a certain degree with age. But true hearing loss is caused by other factors such as exposure to loud noise, ear infections, and many other reasons. Read more about hearing loss with age.

Some types of hearing loss can be inherited. But not all inherited forms of hearing loss take place at birth. Some can appear later in life.


Certain antibiotics can damage the inner ear. Even aspirin can cause problems. Check with your doctor if you notice changes in your hearing while taking a medication.

Yes. People with hearing loss may become depressed, anxious or withdrawn. There are many ways to alleviate these systems, including taking the first steps to diagnosing hearing loss.

People often lose their hearing for high pitch sounds first while maintaining good hearing for low pitch sounds. The high pitch sounds are what provide the clarity for speech and the low pitch sounds provide the volume.

This can cause issues understanding certain consonants sounds like “s”, “sh”, “f” and “th”. So, you may hear some say the word “fin” but they said “thin”. If you notice these types of misunderstandings, it's time to have your hearing evaluated.

Miracle-Ear Care & Audiology
Miracle-Ear Care & Audiology

Miracle-Ear is with you every step of the way. For more than 75 years, we've made it our mission to help people live their best lives with those they love through better hearing. You’ll be treated with the same high level of care and respect at any one of our 1,500 locations.

We hear this all the time. Miracle-Ear helps over 100,000 people each year! Amazing advances have been made in hearing aids, which have resulted in more success stories than ever before.

The best advice is to come in for your FREE hearing test. That’s the only reliable way to learn if a Miracle-Ear hearing aid could help you. If we find a hearing loss that we believe we can help, we’ll offer you a FREE in-store demonstration so you can hear the difference for yourself!

Profile of an elderly man with nearly invisible ITE hearing aids

Hearing care professionals specialize in hearing aid fitting and technology. In most every state, they are licensed to both test hearing and to fit hearing instruments to address hearing loss. Audiologists have master’s degrees or higher in audiology.

They perform non-medical evaluations of hearing losses, including advanced testing for purposes beyond fitting hearing aids. They also develop non-medical hearing rehabilitation programs. For example, they often create rehabilitation programs for children whose hearing impairment might otherwise cause problems in language development.

Many audiologists also dispense hearing aids. When a medical problem is suspected, both hearing aid dispensers and audiologists refer their clients to physicians for diagnosis.

It’s only natural to be apprehensive about wearing a hearing aid. That’s why we’re glad you’re choosing Miracle-Ear. Our hearing care professionals are trained to properly fit your new hearing aids. In no time at all, most customers tell us their hearing aid becomes second nature.

At Miracle-Ear, you also have the reassurance of a comprehensive after-care plan that includes fitting adjustments.

Many customers tell us how much they appreciate learning about the latest advances from Miracle-Ear. And, yes, there are more choices than ever before – multiple solution levels, hearing aid styles and options.

At Miracle-Ear, we’re equipped with the very best tools, processes and counseling skills to recommend the hearing aid that makes the most sense for you! We also recommend taking a look at our Hearing Health Glossary, which explains a lot of the hearing aid technology terms.

We recommend donating your hearing aids to the Miracle-Ear Foundation Hear Again program. They will be refurbished and given to someone who would otherwise be unable to afford hearing aids and it qualifies as a tax-deductible donation.

Yes, we recommend that someone accompanies you to your appointment, whether that be your spouse, your son or daughter or a friend. This is important so that your hearing care professional can conduct the familiar voice test during the exam.

We accept many types of insurance, but it does vary by location. The first step is to get you in for your FREE hearing evaluation and, at the time of your appointment, we can check your benefits for the insurance.
About ears
About ears

Hearing starts with our ears. Although we can’t see most of the ears, there are many parts that work together to help us process the sounds we hear. Find answers to commonly asked questions about the anatomy of the ear below:

There are three main parts of the ear—the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each part of the ear serves to help process the sounds you hear.

Your ears are not only important for your hearing, but they also play a role in helping you keep your balance. More specifically, the inner ear is responsible for your sense of balance.

The outer ear collects sound waves and directs them towards the ear canal. [2] Once the sound waves go through the ear canal, they are taken to the middle ear.

The middle ear takes the sound waves that are gathered by the outer ear and turn them into vibrations. These vibrations are amplified and sent over to the inner ear.

The inner ear takes the vibrations from the middle ear and processes them through the cochlea. Then, the nerve endings in the cochlea turn the vibrations into electrical impulses and transfer them to the brain.  [2]

The cochlea is a snail-shaped organ that is found in the inner ear. It is filled with fluids that move when vibrations from the middle ear are processed in the inner ear. [2]

When sound waves first enter your ear, they pass through the ear canal and cause your eardrum to vibrate. This vibration is passed onto the three small bones in the middle ear, where the sound waves are amplified and transferred over to the hair cells in the inner ear. The hair cells then turn the vibrations into energy for the brain to receive. [1]

Your middle ear consists of three bones—the malleus, incus, and stapes. They are also known as the hammer, anvil, and the stirrup. [3] These three bones are the smallest in the body and are responsible for transferring vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. [1] 

Pinna is the medical term for the parts of the outer ear that are visible.


Like pinna, auricle is another medical term that refers to the outer ear.

The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is located between the very end of the outer ear and the middle ear. It indicates where your middle ear begins.

The oval window can be found in the middle ear. It is located by the stapes bone and connects the middle ear to the inner ear.

The outer ear is mostly made up of cartilage. The only part of the outer ear that contains no cartilage is the lobule, which is the fleshy lower part that hangs down.  [4]

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More than just a hearing aid

If you’ve decided that a hearing aid is the right choice to aid in your hearing journey, the experts at Miracle-Ear are here to help. Explore our range of modern hearing devices, learn about our ever-expanding technology, and find the hearing aid that will help you reconnect with the things and people you love.

hearing care professional at store

GENIUS™ 5.0 Technology

Our newest technology offers cutting-edge direct streaming, allowing you to stay connected to the people and sounds that you love. With 60% more processing power than its predecessor, GENIUS™ 5.0 also delivers the most realistic sound quality, which means you'll hear exactly as you were meant to. And now featuring 100% rechargeability, our built-in power cell allows you the freedom to hear.

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