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Gerard's Miracle-Ear Foundation Story

Published on Aug, 01, 2022

While Gerard wore hearing aids, he found that hearing was becoming more difficult as he aged. He struggled to communicate with his family and friends without them having to speak very loudly. He found it difficult to enjoy music and he struggled to hear the sounds of nature he always loved. Frustrated that he could no longer partake in his favorite activities, Gerard went to Miracle-Ear in Harrisburg, PA for an updated hearing diagnosis. 

At a scheduled check-up, Hearing Instrument Specialist Jayson tested Gerard and confirmed his need for updated hearing aids. Jayson determined that the cost of hearing aids was out of Gerard’s reach, so he suggested that Gerard apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Gerard was approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare.

Gerard with his HCP

Just like the weather, your hearing can be unpredictable. Luckily, Miracle-Ear has your back!

With his new hearing aids, Gerard feels like he will be able to enjoy life all over again. He loves hearing the laughter of his loved ones and can’t wait to listen to the next thunderstorm. Gerard is incredibly appreciative of the help Jayson and the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given him with the Gift of Sound. 

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