An emergency room physician and general surgeon, Michael has a progressive, lifelong hearing problem. Yet, to function in his professional role, he must hear well and communicate clearly with patients.
Michael chose Miracle-Ear® hearing aids over 12 years ago, and he has relied on them ever since. “I was looking for a hearing brand that could best manage my progressive decreasing hearing loss, both conductive and sensorineural” he says. “I wanted the most current, updated technology."
"Miracle-Ear has given me sounds I never heard before: rain beating on the roof, the percussion of cymbals, the ticking of a wall clock. I think the Miracle-Ear device is the closest example of a modern-day miracle."
“I am very pleased with the overall results and partnership from Miracle-Ear. Knowing that my Miracle-Ear hearing aid can be adjusted is very helpful as I experience further hearing loss. My Miracle-Ear treatment has been outstanding: a caring, committed staff and a friendly atmosphere.”