It's not just about the big events and milestones. The effects of hearing loss impact the little things, too—those beautiful, everyday moments that make up a life.
These examples demonstrate how the impacts of hearing loss affect daily life. Do any of these situations sound familiar?
"My granddaughter was on video chat with me, showing off her twinkling tutu as she twirled across the living room. As she danced, she started chattering excitedly about … something. I pulled the tablet screen closer, but it didn't help. Most of her words sounded like broken strings of syllables. When she asked me a question, I smiled and nodded. I didn't have the heart to admit I couldn't hear her sweet words."
The early effects of hearing loss are often easily noticeable around younger children who have not fully grasped communication skills.
"I recently grabbed coffee with some old friends from college. When I entered the cafe, I was bombarded with sounds: people chatting, beans grinding, music playing. I eventually spotted my friends and sat down, though Kathy said she had been calling my name for a while. As my friends quickly dove into conversation, I tried to tune out the sounds of the cafe. My head started to hurt. When I closed my eyes to better concentrate, my friends noticed and asked if I was OK. I just smiled and said yes."
The impacts of hearing loss are often most prevalent when there is background noise competing for your attention.
"Last week we had a meeting at work. I tried to keep pace with the ping-pong of voices, but it was hard. I could hear Chris pretty well, but Sarah’s voice was a struggle. After Shawna chimed in with her soft voice over the conference call, I simply tuned out. When Chris asked for my thoughts on the client's latest request, my heart jumped. I tried to act casual as I asked him to repeat what had been said."
The effects of hearing loss, unfortunately, can show up vividly in work environments, especially those fields that rely heavily on collaboration.
If you are beginning to notice the effects of hearing loss in your daily life, it’s best to get your hearing tested as soon as possible. Book an appointment at a Miracle-Ear location today to take action on your hearing health.
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