Although hearing loss can put a damper on certain aspects of your life, going to the movies doesn’t have to be one of them. Assistive listening devices for theaters are readily available and can help you enjoy going to the movies again.
Depending on the degree of your hearing loss, assistive listening systems are available. When requesting to use an assistive listening system, most theaters ask that you leave some form of identification while you borrow the device. Assistive listening systems come in three different types, including:
In each of these assistive listening systems, the signal comes through a receiver in the form of either an Assisted Listening Device (ALD) or a telecoil (t-coil) located in your hearing aid or cochlear implant. A theater's ALD gets their sound directly from the theater's sound source, which means there’s no interference coming from your ALD.
If you are going to a theater that uses an infrared or radio frequency system, you can use an ear bud headset if you do not want to keep your hearing aid on during the movie. Depending on your specific theater, headsets may also be available. These plug into the receiver, but do not work for people who wear behind-the-ear hearing aids or who have more than a mild case of hearing loss.
If you have a t-coil in your hearing device, you can use an induction (neck) loop, which is plugged into a jack on the radio frequency or infrared receiver. These loops allow you to regulate the volume without the need for a headset.
Just because you suffer from hearing loss doesn’t mean you have to stay at home. Next time you go to the movies or any type of active social event, check to see if assistive listening systems are available. Learn how to take full advantage of hearing assistive technologies today.
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