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Home remedies for ear infections and earache

Last update on Jul, 30, 2024

If you've ever experienced an ear infection or an earache, you know how annoying and uncomfortable it can be. While most ear infections aren’t serious issues and can resolve quickly, there are several useful home remedies you can use to ease your discomfort and speed up recovery. Explore tips to address your ear infections and earaches at home and learn how you can help prevent them in the future. 

However, it's important to exercise caution when using home remedies. These suggestions are meant to provide relief, but they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

Do home remedies ease ear infections and earaches?

In most cases, ear infections occur in the middle ear or the space behind the eardrum. Ear infections don’t occur on their own. In most cases, the middle ear becomes inflamed when another illness, such as a cold, the flu or allergies, causes congestion and swelling of the nose, throat and eustachian tubes.

These tubes, which run from the middle ear to the back of the throat, regulate air pressure and drain fluid from the middle ear. When they become swollen, fluid builds up in the middle ear and can become infected. While ear infections can happen at any age, children are more likely to experience ear problems; their eustachian tubes are narrower and more horizontal, making it more difficult to drain fluid from the ears.

While some ear infection cases warrant a visit to your doctor, these conditions often don’t need extensive medical care and can be solved with some simple home remedies for ear infections and natural remedies for earaches. Implementing these home remedies for earache or infection can provide some much-needed relief for patients of any age.

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Home remedies for ear infections and earaches

Whether your ear infection requires a doctor’s visit and you need some relief until you can see a doctor, or you’re just looking for quick relief, these home remedies for ear infections in adults and kids can provide a necessary stopgap measure for dealing with ear infection symptoms. Here are some home remedies for earache that could help ease your condition: 

One simple home remedy for ear infections is using a warm compress. How to use a compress on your ears:

  • Soak a soft washcloth in warm water;
  • Wring out any excess water;
  • Hold it against the infected ear for up to 20 minutes.

This process can be repeated as often as necessary. This method is also a safe and useful home remedy for ear infections in kids. 

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are one of the quickest home remedies for ear infections in adults and kids. They can be a helpful tool in easing the pain, fever or inflammation that causes ear infections. Prior to taking any OTC medications, consult with a doctor or pharmacist if you are currently taking any additional medications. Most pain relief medications are safe to use if also taking antibiotics, but review the dosage labels prior to taking the medication.

For children:

  • Choose children or infant versions of OTC pain relievers when available
  • Give only acetaminophen to children younger than 6 months
  • Use ibuprofen for fever and pain only for children older than 6 months
  • Seek medical attention immediately for infants younger than 3 months who have a fever

Be sure not to give children aspirin as a pain reliever, as it may put them at risk for Reye’s syndrome. Before your child takes any new medication, speak with your doctor to determine proper usage.

For adults:

  • Consider acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the best results
  • Review dosage instructions to administer the proper amount
  • Speak with your doctor prior to taking your medication to determine if it might affect your hearing health

To address the illnesses causing the ear infection itself, simply resting or sleeping can be a great way to strengthen the immune system to fight the virus or bacteria. However, be sure that you’re sleeping properly to protect your infected ear. 

How to protect your ear:

  • Elevate the affected ear to allow the infection to drain out by sleeping on your other side or using additional pillows under your head;
  • Keep blankets and hair away from your ears to keep your ear dry and open to fresh airflow.

Among home remedies for ear infections, this one is most commonly used for people experiencing ear infections as a result of swimmer’s ear. OTC drying eardrops can be useful in addressing excessive fluid in the ear, which often comes with swimming that involves the head going underwater. These ear drops should not be used for adults or children with ear tubes if there is visible discharge or if your eardrum is ruptured. Consult with a physician before using it to make sure it’s safe.

Hydrogen peroxide can be a useful home remedy for ear infections in adults if used carefully and correctly.

How to use hydrogen peroxide:

  • Use a dropper to place a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in the affected ear
  • Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes
  • Tilt your head over a sink to let the fluid drain out
  • Rinse off your ear

While it can be a useful solution to clean your ears, hydrogen peroxide must be handled carefully to ensure that it helps rather than hurts. This procedure shouldn’t be repeated too frequently and only in small doses; too much hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation, pain and inflammation to the sensitive skin and parts of the ear.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be used if there’s a hole in the eardrum, as it can be painful and cause damage to the inner ear. Be sure to fully drain the ear after using hydrogen peroxide to prevent buildup in the ear. 

Known for effectively treating inflammation in the body, saltwater could also be a useful home remedy for ear infections by addressing inflammation.

How to do a saltwater gargle

  • Add one of teaspoon salt to one cup of water
  • Gargle the mixture for a couple of minutes
  • Spit and rinse your mouth to remove any remaining saltwater

Be sure to never put salt water in or near the ear. 

What's a home remedy for earache?

Here are a few home remedies for earache:

  • Warm compress: Apply a warm, moist cloth to the affected ear for 15-20 minutes to help reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Olive oil: Warm a few drops of olive oil (ensure it's not hot) and place them into the ear using a dropper to soothe irritation;
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, which can help alleviate ear pressure and pain caused by congestion;
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Use medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to manage pain and reduce inflammation.

How to get rid of an ear infection with a home remedy?

Here are some alternative home remedies for managing an ear infection:

  • Tea tree oil: Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and apply it around the ear (not directly into the ear canal). Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that may help combat infection;
  • Warm salt water rinse: Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and hold it against the affected ear. The warmth and salt can help reduce pain and draw out infection;
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Using a dropper, apply a few drops of the solution to the ear, then tilt your head to let it drain. This can help clean the ear canal.
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Home remedies for ear infection and earache in kids

To relieve ear infections and earaches in children, you can try the following home remedies:

  • Warm compress: Apply a warm, damp cloth to the affected ear for about 20 minutes to soothe pain and reduce inflammation;
  • Olive oil: Place a few drops of warm (not hot) olive oil in the ear to act as a lubricant and alleviate discomfort;
  • Hydration: Encourage the child to drink plenty of fluids to help clear congestion;
  • Elevate the head: Have the child sleep with their head elevated to ease pressure and pain.

Baby ear infection and earache treatment with home remedies

For easing ear infections and earaches in babies, you can try these alternative home remedies:

  • Warm bath: Give the baby a warm bath, letting them soak and relax. The steam from the bath can help relieve ear discomfort and congestion;
  • Massage: Gently massage the area around the baby’s ear and neck. This can help improve circulation and ease discomfort;
  • Herbal teas: For older babies, offer herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint in small amounts, which may have soothing properties and aid in reducing inflammation.

Ear infection and earache in different parts of the ear

Outer ear infections, often referred to as swimmer's ear, can cause discomfort, itching, and pain in the outer ear canal. Remedies for this type of infection focus on soothing irritation and reducing inflammation:

  • Tea tree oil: Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply gently to the outer ear. This oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • Warm olive oil: Warm some olive oil slightly and place a few drops into the ear to soothe irritation and provide a mild antibacterial effect;
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Use a dropper to place a few drops into the ear, let it bubble to help remove debris, and then rinse with clean water.


Inner ear infections often involve symptoms like dizziness or balance issues, so remedies focus on alleviating discomfort and supporting overall wellness:

  • Ginger tea: Drink ginger tea to help reduce nausea and dizziness associated with inner ear infections. Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Hydration: Keep hydrated to help your body flush out toxins and support the immune system in fighting the infection;
  • Rest: Ensure adequate rest to support recovery and help the body manage the infection more effectively;
  • Vitamin C: Increase intake of vitamin C through fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system and support healing.

Middle ear infections often involve pain and fluid buildup, so remedies focus on easing pain and reducing inflammation:

  • Warm compress: Apply a warm, damp cloth to the outer ear for 10-15 minutes to relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • Olive oil drops: Place a few drops of warm (not hot) olive oil into the ear to soothe irritation and soften any trapped wax;
  • Elevate the head: Keep the head elevated while sleeping to help fluid drain from the middle ear and reduce pressure;
  • Steam inhalation: Use a humidifier or take a warm shower to help ease congestion and promote fluid drainage.

Homeopathic remedy for ear infection and earache

Homeopathic remedies can be used to address ear infections and earaches, though their effectiveness is debated. If you choose to explore homeopathy, here are a few remedies commonly suggested for ear issues:

  • Belladonna: Often recommended for sudden, intense ear pain that feels throbbing and is accompanied by redness and heat. This remedy is typically used when the pain comes on suddenly and is severe;
  • Pulsatilla: Useful for ear infections with symptoms that include earache with thick, yellowish discharge and a feeling of fullness. It’s often recommended when the pain is better in a warm room and worse in a cold environment;
  • Hepar sulphuris: Suggested for ear infections with sharp, stabbing pain and sensitivity to touch. It can be useful when the pain worsens from cold or drafts;
  • Chamomilla: Considered for earaches in children, particularly when the pain is severe and the child is irritable. It may help if the child is also experiencing symptoms like restlessness and is worse at night;
  • Silica: Recommended for chronic ear infections, especially when there is a history of recurrent infections with symptoms like a feeling of blockage and pus.

Here are some herbal remedies for earache and ear infections:

  • Garlic oil: Warm garlic oil slightly and place a few drops into the affected ear. Garlic's natural antibacterial properties can help combat infection;
  • Ginger: Brew fresh ginger root in hot water to make tea and drink it several times a day. Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain and swelling;
  • Echinacea: Take Echinacea as a supplement or in tea form. It can boost the immune system to help fight off infections;
  • Clove oil: Dilute clove oil with a carrier oil and apply a few drops to the outer ear. Clove oil has analgesic and antiseptic properties that may help relieve pain.

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Remedies for different types of ear infections

Here are a few more home remedies for ear pain caused by a sinus infection:

  • Steam inhalation: Inhale steam from a bowl of hot water for 10-15 minutes to loosen mucus and ease ear pain;
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to help thin mucus and relieve sinus pressure;
  • Saline nasal rinse: Use a saline solution to rinse nasal passages, clearing congestion and reducing ear pressure;
  • Ginger tea: Drink ginger tea several times a day for its anti-inflammatory benefits to reduce pain;
  • Elevate your head: Sleep with your head raised to help reduce sinus pressure and fluid buildup in the ears.

For a different home remedy for swimmer’s ear, you can try warm olive oil: Gently warm a small amount of olive oil (ensure it’s not hot). Using a dropper, place a few drops of the warm oil into the affected ear. Let it sit for a few minutes, then tilt your head to allow it to drain out. Olive oil can soothe irritation and help soften any earwax or debris.

To address an ear piercing infection at home, try the following:

  • Saltwater solution: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of warm water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it to the infected area for 5-10 minutes. This helps cleanse the piercing and reduce inflammation;
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Dilute hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water. Gently apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab. This can help kill bacteria and clean the area.

Home remedies may help alleviate symptoms of a fungal ear infection, but it’s important to consult your healthcare provider before trying any at-home treatments.

A frequently used remedy involves diluted hydrogen peroxide, which can aid in removing discharge and buildup from the ear. Additionally, carbamide peroxide eardrops or a 1:1 solution of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar may also be effective.

Here are some remedies for earache and ear infection caused by a cold:

  • Warm compress: Apply a warm, moist cloth to the affected ear for 15-20 minutes to help reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Steam inhalation: Inhale steam from a bowl of hot water for 10-15 minutes to loosen mucus and relieve sinus pressure affecting the ear,
  • Saline nasal rinse: Use a saline solution to rinse nasal passages, which can help clear congestion and reduce ear pressure;
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and help thin mucus, easing sinus pressure and ear pain;
  • Elevate your head: Sleep with your head elevated to reduce fluid buildup and sinus pressure in the ears.

What not to use for ear infections and earaches

While numerous home remedies can provide meaningful symptom relief, there are several that should be avoided entirely. Using these methods can mean greater pain in the short term and even cause significant damage to the inner ear.

  • Swabs: Cotton swabs shouldn’t be placed in the ear canal under normal circumstances and  shouldn’t be used if you have an ear infection. Instead of cleaning out the inside of the ear, using a swab can push infected material further into your ear, causing pain and making the infection worse. They can be used to wipe away any discharge visible in the outer ear but should never be used inside;
  • Oil: While putting warm olive oil into the ear to address earache is sometimes cited as a home remedy, this method has no scientific backing and can lead to greater problems in the ear. Warming the olive oil can cause burns in the ear or eardrum if the oil is too hot and cause significant inner ear damage if used with a hole in the eardrum;
  • Numbing Drops: While it might seem tempting to numb the pain in your ears, these drops have a very temporary effect and don’t properly address the problem. Numbing drops attempt to numb the pain and decrease pain and inflammation, but in many cases, they can cause a stinging or burning sensation in the ear upon application. Improper usage can also lead to hearing loss or tinnitus.

Before using any home remedies, consult with a hearing care professional to learn if the method would be effective in treating your symptoms. 

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Ear infections: When to see a doctor

Home remedies can be useful tools in addressing most ear infections in the short term, but if your condition persists, it might be time to see your doctor.

When to go to a doctor for ear infections:

  • Ear pain lasting more than two days;
  • Excessive fluid drainage from the ear;
  • Changes in hearing;
  • Lack of results after using home remedies or OTC medications;
  • Fever over 102 degrees;
  • Regular ear infections.

Your doctor will be able to review your medication and medical history to locate the cause of your ear infection, as well as offer suggestions on what the best approach might be to properly handle your symptoms. 

If your doctor determines that you are experiencing an ear infection due to bacteria, they will likely prescribe antibiotics to treat your condition. This medication is an effective way to clear up bacterial infections and can help prevent the existing infection from spreading throughout the body.

Antibiotics only work for bacterial infections, not viral infections. In fact, if you have a viral ear infection, taking antibiotics can make your infection worse and potentially make the medicine less effective at fighting bacteria in the body. Speak with a doctor before taking any antibiotics to review your condition and ensure that the medication you’re taking will help your body heal. 

To determine whether antibiotics are an appropriate course of treatment, your doctor will consider the following factors: 

  • Existing medical conditions: If you or your child have certain medical conditions, such as cleft palate, frequent ear infections or use of a cochlear implant, antibiotics for ear infections might be recommended immediately.
  • Current symptoms: Symptoms like high fever or severe dehydration might mean starting antibiotics quickly. This could also be the case if your doctor can’t see the ear infection and your symptoms haven’t resolved on their own.
  • Length of infection: If your viral infection hasn’t gone away after 1-2 weeks, your doctor may recommend a course of antibiotics.
  • Age of the patient: Antibiotics for earaches might be the best solution for children under 2 years old, especially if they are experiencing painful or intense symptoms like fever, dual ear infection or severe pain.

Through your course of antibiotics, your doctor will monitor your symptoms and determine the next steps as necessary to treat the condition. 

How to prevent ear infections

While ear infections can’t be prevented, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safe from the illness-causing viruses or bacteria that lead to the infections. Here’s how to prevent ear infections in babies and adults:

  • Wash hands to prevent the spread of germs;
  • Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, which can irritate the eustachian tubes and make both adults and children more susceptible to ear infections;
  • Limit interactions with children who are (or whose family members are) ill to reduce the number of germs your child is exposed to;
  • Breastfeeding, when possible, gives babies antibodies to boost their immune system and reduce the risk of infection;
  • Hold babies with their heads elevated to avoid fluid collecting in their ears;
  • Get vaccinated according to a doctor’s recommendations to avoid viral and bacterial infections that can turn into ear infections. 

Ear infections happen, but there are ways to alleviate the pain that they cause and lessen their duration. If you have questions about ear infections and how they can affect your overall hearing health, book an appointment at your local Miracle-Ear to learn more.

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